“I have always felt close to nature. When my life was turned upside down during the pandemic, when I couldn’t travel, or even meet people, I realised that it is the natural world that energises me the most. It is my greatest source of inspiration, and answers many of the questions I have. That was when I began to learn Ravel’s ‘Miroirs’, which became a Polestar for me to create this very special personal programme that I’m very happy to share with all of you now!It’s about marvelous, thrilling journey starting from Schumann’s ‘Waldszenen’ and ending with Bartok’s ‘The Night’s Music’. Through dreams of happiness, as well as experiencing mystic, fantastic aspects of nature, feel of uncertainty and anxiety.
Today, I’m trilled to announce my second album with naïve – ‘Im Freien’ – with the programme, including Schumann, Ravel, Liszt, Schulz-Evler and Bartók with the lesser known Felix Draeseke who became a major recent discovery for me.”
The first Single with Draeseke’s ‘Rêve de Bonheur’ (‘Dream of Happiness’) released for streaming today and the whole double album is avalible for pre-order here: https://bfan.link/Draeseke-R%C3%AAve-de-bonheur
Photo: Uwe Arens